04/25/2018 by naturescapeslandscaping 0 Comments
Many homeowners make substantial investments in their landscaping and outdoor living enviroments and give little or no consideration to proper landscape lighting. If your like most people you leave for work in the morning when its dark and return home when its getting or already dark outside. A properly installed quality lighting system not only extends the hours you get to enjoy your landscape it adds the elements of safety and security for your family and guests. Quality landscape lighting fixtures and equipment – not available at Big Box Stores – will give you many years of service and enjoyment. Some projects are great for the DIYers but its our opinion this isn’t one of them. An experanced landscape lighting contractor will provide you with a much better longer lasting and satisfying outcome. A good rule of thumb is to budget anywhere from 10-20% of your landscapeing budget for outdoor lighting. If landscape lighting is poorly done or not at all you miss a big opportunity to beautify your property as well as keep it safe and secure.
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